Tag Archives: Linux

ইউনিক্স, লিনাক্স কমান্ড তালিকা (List of Unix, Linux Commands)

Huge Sell on Popular Electronics

এই পোষ্টটি অতিশীগ্রই উন্মুক্ত করা হবে...............

ভিডিওঃ লিনাক্স ডি এন এস কমান্ডসঃ Linux Commands Demo DNS related, Ubuntu

Huge Sell on Popular Electronics

ভিদিওঃ লিনাক্স ডি এন এস কমান্ডসঃ Linux Commands Demo DNS related, Ubuntu

Video: Create Linux, PHP, and MySQL based software development platform using Oracle Virtual Box

Huge Sell on Popular Electronics

Video: Create Linux, PHP, and MySQL based software development platform using Oracle Virtual Box

Please start at: 2:14:00. as Something went wrong while processing and uploading.
Check the short-note http://sitestree.com/creating-a-lamp-software-development-environment-using-oracle-virtual-box/ to understand the discussion. Actually this short-note was written as part of creating the video.