Category: AI ML DS RL DL NN NLP Data Mining Optimization

Understanding indicators used to measure health quality

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 16 min read This code works with the data on the excel file: indicator-methodology.xls Purpose: Find out prominant indicators — this might also mean the critical aspect of health Find out the measurements that are used to find the quality Code Reference: This code heavily makes use of the code provided on …

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Quality of Care, Health System Performance, Canada and Other Countries

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 5 min read import pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inlinefrom __future__ import print_functionfrom ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manualimport ipywidgets as widgetsquality_of_care = pd.read_excel(‘../data/quality-of-care.xls’)quality_of_care.head() # find all indicatorsquality_of_care.set_index([‘Indicator’])indicators = pd.Index(quality_of_care[‘Indicator’]).unique()# find all yearsyears = quality_of_care[‘Data year’].dropna().unique()indicators[0], years(’30-Day In-Hospital Fatality: AMI’, array([2015, 2014, 2013, ‘Not applicable’, ‘2013’, ‘2014’, ‘2015’, ‘2012 to 2014’, …

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primary-prescribing, Health System Performance, Canada and Others

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 5 min read import pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inlinefrom __future__ import print_functionfrom ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manualimport ipywidgets as widgetsprescribing_primary = pd.read_excel(‘../data/prescribing-primary.xls’)prescribing_primary.head() # find all indicatorsprescribing_primary.set_index([‘Indicator’])indicators = pd.Index(prescribing_primary[‘Indicator’]).unique()# find all yearsyears = prescribing_primary[‘Data year’].dropna().unique()indicators[0], years(‘Antibiotics: Proportion of Second Line’, array([‘2015’, ‘2014’, 2015, ‘Not applicable’, 2014], dtype=object))# sort yearsyears = …

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patient-safety, Health System Performance, Canada and Others

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 5 min read import pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inlinefrom __future__ import print_functionfrom ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manualimport ipywidgets as widgetspatient_safety = pd.read_excel(‘../data/patient-safety.xls’)patient_safety.head() # find all indicatorspatient_safety.set_index([‘Indicator’])indicators = pd.Index(patient_safety[‘Indicator’]).unique()# find all yearsyears = patient_safety[‘Data year’].dropna().unique()indicators[0], years(‘Foreign Body Left In’, array([2015, ‘2014–2015’, ‘Not applicable’, 2014], dtype=object))# sort yearsyears = [ aYear …

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non_med_determinants_visualizations, Health System Performance, Canada and Others

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 5 min read import pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inlinefrom __future__ import print_functionfrom ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manualimport ipywidgets as widgetsnon_med_determinants = pd.read_excel(‘../data/non-med-determinants.xls’)non_med_determinants.head() # find all indicatorsnon_med_determinants.set_index([‘Indicator’])indicators = pd.Index(non_med_determinants[‘Indicator’]).unique()# find all yearsyears = non_med_determinants[‘Data year’].dropna().unique()indicators[0], years(‘Alcohol Consumption: Adults’, array([‘2014’, ‘2015’, ‘2013’, 2015, ‘Not applicable’, ‘2016’], dtype=object))# sort yearsyears = [ …

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interactive_health_status_visualizations, Health System Performance, Canada and Others

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 5 min read import pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inlinefrom __future__ import print_functionfrom ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manualimport ipywidgets as widgetshealth_status = pd.read_excel(‘../data/health-status.xls’)health_status.head() # find all indicatorshealth_status.set_index([‘Indicator’])indicators = pd.Index(health_status[‘Indicator’]).unique()# find all yearsyears = health_status[‘Data year’].unique()indicators[0], years[0](‘Cancer Mortality (F)’, ‘2013’)# sort yearsyears = [ int(aYear) for aYear in years if (aYear …

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health_status_visualizations, Health System Performance, Canada and Others

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 4 min read import pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inlinefrom __future__ import print_functionfrom ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manualimport ipywidgets as widgetshealth_status = pd.read_excel(‘../data/health-status.xls’)health_status.head() health_status.set_index([‘Indicator’])#health_status.loc[health_status[‘Cancer Mortality (F)’]]#health_status.index.unique()indicators = pd.Index(health_status[‘Indicator’]).unique()years = health_status[‘Data year’].unique()indicators[0], years[0](‘Cancer Mortality (F)’, ‘2013’)cancer_mortality_2013 = health_status.loc[ (health_status[‘Indicator’] == indicators[0]) & (health_status[‘Data year’] == years[0]) ]cancer_mortality = health_status.loc[ (health_status[‘Indicator’] == …

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access_to_care, primary-prescribing, Health System Performance, Canada and Others

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 5 min read import pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt%matplotlib inlinefrom __future__ import print_functionfrom ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manualimport ipywidgets as widgetsaccess_to_care = pd.read_excel(‘../data/access-to-care.xls’)access_to_care.head() # find all indicatorsaccess_to_care.set_index([‘Indicator’])indicators = pd.Index(access_to_care[‘Indicator’]).unique()# find all yearsyears = access_to_care[‘Data year’].dropna().unique()indicators[0], years(‘Inability to Pay for Medical Bills’, array([‘2016’, 2016, ‘Not applicable’, ‘2015’, ‘2013’], dtype=object))# sort yearsyears …

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How to use ipywidgets, interactive as used in the project

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 1 min read from __future__ import print_functionfrom ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manualimport ipywidgets as widgetsdef f(x): return xinteract(f, x=10);interactive(children=(IntSlider(value=10, description=’x’, max=30, min=-10), Output()), _dom_classes=(‘widget-…interact(f, x=True);interactive(children=(Checkbox(value=True, description=’x’), Output()), _dom_classes=(‘widget-interact’,))interact(f, x=’Hi there!’);interactive(children=(Text(value=’Hi there!’, description=’x’), Output()), _dom_classes=(‘widget-interact’,))@interact(x=True, y=1.0)def g(x, y): return (x, y)interactive(children=(Checkbox(value=True, description=’x’), FloatSlider(value=1.0, description=’y’, max=3.0, …interact(f, x=[‘apples’,’oranges’]);interactive(children=(Dropdown(description=’x’, options=(‘apples’, ‘oranges’), value=’apples’), Output()), _do…from …

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IPywidgets, interactive

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)·Jan 31 from __future__ import print_functionfrom ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manualimport ipywidgets as widgetsdef f(x): return xinteract(f, x=10);interactive(children=(IntSlider(value=10, description=’x’, max=30, min=-10), Output()), _dom_classes=(‘widget-…interact(f, x=True);interactive(children=(Checkbox(value=True, description=’x’), Output()), _dom_classes=(‘widget-interact’,))interact(f, x=’Hi there!’);interactive(children=(Text(value=’Hi there!’, description=’x’), Output()), _dom_classes=(‘widget-interact’,))@interact(x=True, y=1.0)def g(x, y): return (x, y)interactive(children=(Checkbox(value=True, description=’x’), FloatSlider(value=1.0, description=’y’, max=3.0, …interact(f, x=[‘apples’,’oranges’]);interactive(children=(Dropdown(description=’x’, options=(‘apples’, ‘oranges’), value=’apples’), Output()), _do…from IPython.display …

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This file will contain visualization code for 6 health performance aspects

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 29 min read Indicator visualizations will be in a separate ipynb file (visualize-indicators-final.ipynb) Visualizations can be created using the UI interface i.e. Select options and execute the code block after to get the visualizations. I have placed a separate section at the end of this file where research questions and plots as …

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About the Project : Benchmarking Canada’s Health Care Systems: International Comparisons, 2017

Justetc Social Services (non-profit)Jan 31 · 1 min read Project : Benchmarking Canada’s Health Care Systems: International Comparisons, 2017 By Sayed Ahmed Objective: Visualize the performance of Canadian Healthcare System Performance against other countries Short Description : Analyze, compare, and visualize the performance of Canadian healthcare system against other countries using public dataset. The dataset provides benchmark comparison data …

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Misc. Plot – 4


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Misc Plots – 3

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Misc Plots

Misc Plots: Ref: ***. ***. *** Note: Older short-notes from this site are posted on Medium: *** . *** *** . *** . *** . *** Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) …

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Misc. Plots

Ref: —- Note: Older short-notes from this site are posted on Medium: *** . *** *** . *** . *** . *** Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) Linkedin: Blog:, …

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Euclidean Norm of a Matrix

Euclidean Norm of a Matrix Ref: ***. ***. *** Note: Older short-notes from this site are posted on Medium: *** . *** *** . *** . *** . *** Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics …

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Misc. Data Science: Clustering

"Model-based clustering assumes that the data were generated by a model and tries to recover the original model from the data. The model that we recover from the data then defines clusters and an assignment of documents to clusters. A commonly used criterion for estimating the model parameters is maximum › IR-book › html …

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Misc. Optimization Resources

L0 Norm, L1 Norm, L2 Norm & L-Infinity Norm *** Iterative Solutions of Linear Systems *** How statistical Norms improve modeling Project Example: Optimization: Area and Project Example: Sensor and Optimization: Could be a good read. ***. ***. *** Note: Older short-notes from this site are posted …

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Part -1 : Bootstrapping, Bagging, Random Forests

What is a Classification Tree: › classification-tree Classification Tree | solver A Classification tree labels, records, and assigns variables to discrete classes. A Classification tree can also provide a measure of confidence that the classification is correct. A Classification tree is built through a process known as binary recursive partitioning. Pros and Cons of …

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KL Divergence: Entropy: Cross Entropy: Example Use Cases. Equations as well.

KL Divergence in Picture and Examples “Kullback–Leibler divergence is the difference between the Cross Entropy H for PQ and the true Entropy H for P.” [1] “And this is what we use as a loss function while training Neural Networks. When we have an image classification problem, the training data and corresponding correct labels represent …

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Misc. : Classifier Performance and Model Selection

Cross Validation: ” Cross-validation is a resampling procedure used to evaluate machine learning models on a limited data sample. The procedure has a single parameter called k that refers to the number of groups that a given data sample is to be split into. As such, the procedure is often called k-fold cross-validation.May 23, …

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NLP : AI and ML

Feature Selection " Filter Methods Wrapper Methods Embedded Methods Feature Selection Checklist Do you have domain knowledge? Are your features commensurate? Do you suspect interdependence of features? If "Weka: “Feature Selection to Improve Accuracy and Decrease Training Time“. Scikit-Learn: “Feature Selection in Python with Scikit-Learn“. R: “Feature Selection with the Caret R Package“" " Reference …

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Misc. Optimization:

"Linear programming (LP, also called linear optimization) is a method to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a mathematical model whose requirements are represented by linear relationships. › wiki › Linear_programming Linear programming – Wikipedia " "Branch and bound (BB, B&B, or BnB) is an algorithm design paradigm …

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Misc Basic Statistics for Data Science

Hypergeometric Distribution “In probability theory and statistics, the hypergeometric distribution is a discrete probability distribution that describes the probability of successes (random draws for which the object drawn has a specified feature) in draws, without replacement, from a finite population of size that contains exactly objects with that feature, wherein each draw is either a …

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The Kalman Filter: Theory : Example: Equations: Applications

The Kalman Filter: An algorithm for making sense of fused sensor insight “The Kalman filter is relatively quick and easy to implement and provides an optimal estimate of the condition for normally distributed noisy sensor values under certain conditions. Mr. Kalman was so convinced of his algorithm that he was able to inspire a friendly …

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Why You Don’t Need to Be Bezos to Worry About Spyware

Why You Don’t Need to Be Bezos to Worry About Spyware " 5. Could that happen to me? Yes, but the likelihood of that varies greatly. If you are a lawyer, journalist, activist or politician in possession of sensitive data, or an enemy of a regime that has little regard for human rights, you could …

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Misc. Math. Data Science. Machine Learning. Optimization. Vector, PCA, Basis, Covariance

Misc. Math. Data Science. Machine Learning. Optimization. Vector, PCA, Basis, Covariance Orthonormality: Orthonormal Vectors “In linear algebra, two vectors in an inner product space are orthonormal if they are orthogonal and unit vectors. A set of vectors form an orthonormal set if all vectors in the set are mutually orthogonal and all of unit length. …

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Misc Math, Data Science, Machine Learning, PCA, FA

“In mathematics, a set B of elements (vectors) in a vector space V is called a basis, if every element of V may be written in a unique way as a (finite) linear combination of elements of B. The coefficients of this linear combination are referred to as components or coordinates on B of the …

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‘Scam’ fundraisers reap millions in the name of heart-tugging causes

"The call centers in Alabama, along with others in Nevada, New Jersey, and Florida, raise money on behalf of “scam PACs,” slang among critics for political action committees that purport to support worthy causes but in reality hand over little of the money for political – or charitable – purposes. Instead, the bulk of the …

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Optimization, Data Science, Math

Optimization Problem: Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and Estimation Preview: "What is the difference between affine and linear? 4 Answers. A linear function fixes the origin, whereas an affine function need not do so. An affine function is the composition of a linear function with a translation, so while the linear part fixes …

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Misc. Math for Data Science, Engineering, and/or Optimization

What is the Inverse of a Matrix? What is Norm? “In linear algebra, functional analysis, and related areas of mathematics, a norm is a function that satisfies certain properties pertaining to scalability and additivity, and assigns a strictly positive real number to each vector in a vector space over the field of real or …

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Investing in an ever-changing world

"Anything can happen in the short term but over a few decades the equity market has always produced very significant gains including periods of war, countless recessions and economic shocks. The best financial advice you can give to your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews is to start as early as possible, stay invested and continue …

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Misc. Math. Might Relate to Optimization

find the equation for a line Parametric forms for lines and vectors Solving Systems of Linear Equations Using Matrices Affine Space ” ” Subspace “What is an affine set? A set is called “affine” iff for any two points in the set, the line through them is contained in the set. …

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Industry Job Prospect for Graph Mining

Industry Job Prospect for Graph Mining Sample Jobs For example, Google works in the following areas of Graph Mining. Google has jobs for such. Also, Facebook and any other social networking site will have jobs in relation to Graph Mining. Computational Biology, Medicine Research, Drug Discovery, Disease Diagnosis, Transportation, Scheduling, Shipping Scheduling will …

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Part X: Engineering Optimization: Mathematical Optimization

Good intro to: Quadratic Forms and Convexity Concave Upward and Downward Convex functions and K-Convexity *** . *** . *** . *** Note: Older short-notes from this site are posted on Medium: *** . *** *** . *** . *** . *** Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) …

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Industry Job Prospect for Graph Mining

Industry Job Prospect for Graph Mining Sample Jobs For example, Google works in the following areas of Graph Mining. Google has jobs for such. Also, Facebook and any other social networking site will have jobs in relation to Graph Mining. Computational Biology, Medicine Research, Drug Discovery, Disease Diagnosis, Transportation, Scheduling, Shipping Scheduling will …

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20 January, 2020 08:01

Background Required for taking a Graph Mining Course: As long as you are interested, you can check a Graph Mining course. However, a background in Computer Science/Engineering or related will be of great help. If you have taken courses such as Data Structure, Algorithms (and Computer Networks to some extent) – many course materials will …

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Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning

Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning “Bayesian inference is a method of statistical inference in which Bayes’ theorem is used to update the probability for a hypothesis as more evidence or information becomes available. Bayesian inference is an important technique in statistics, and especially in mathematical statistics.” › wiki › Bayesian_inference Bayesian inference – Wikipedia …

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"DESCRIPTION Pass the Salt is an investigation into the mysteries of one of our most fundamental elements. It’s a search for the real answers regarding the mounting debate about the benefits and dangers of salt." *** Note: Older short-notes from this site are posted on Medium: *** . *** *** . *** . …

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Optimization and Linear Algebra/Math from the Internet

Optimization and Linear Algebra/Math from the Internet First order taylor approximation formula? Hessian Matrix "In mathematics, the Hessian matrix or Hessian is a square matrix of second-order partial derivatives of a scalar-valued function, or scalar field. It describes the local curvature of a function of many variables." Use in optimization "Hessian matrices are …

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SeDuMi MATLAB add-on: solve optimization problems with linear, quadratic and semidefiniteness constraints

SeDuMi MATLAB add-on: solve optimization problems with linear, quadratic and semidefiniteness constraints "Abstract SeDuMi is an add-on for MATLAB, which lets you solve optimization problems with linear, quadratic and semidefiniteness constraints. It is possible to have complex valued data and variables in SeDuMi. Moreover, large scale optimization problems are solved efficiently, by exploiting sparsity. This …

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Lesson 1: The (Linear) Kalman Filter: State Estimation and Localization for Self-Driving Cars *** *** Note: Older short-notes from this site are posted on Medium: *** . *** *** . *** . *** . *** Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) Linkedin: Blog: …

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Outlook 2020 stock market: One approach of Investing (taking care of money/investment/financial aspect of life) in Stock Market in the Developed World. Some Older short-notes from this site are posted on Medium: *** . *** *** . *** . *** . *** Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) …

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Misc. Optimization. Machine Learning

“What is machine learning optimization? Optimization is the most essential ingredient in the recipe of machine learning algorithms. It starts with defining some kind of loss function/cost function and ends with minimizing the it using one or the other optimization routine.Sep 5, 2018” Ordered vector space “Given a vector space V over the real …

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Design optimization

Design optimization Learning from nature *** . **** . *** Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) Linkedin: Blog:, Online and Offline Training: FB Group on Learning/Teaching: Our …

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The World is for Polymaths: An Interview with Sajid Amit, Academic, Researcher, and Development Strategist (Part One)

" The World is for Polymaths: An Interview with Sajid Amit, Academic, Researcher, and Development Strategist (Part One) Future Startup Face to Face | The Interview November 4, 2019 0 “When you have multiple lenses with which to consider a problem, it is an incredible advantage. The world is for polymaths,” says Sajid Amit as …

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Linear Algebra Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) Linkedin: Blog:, Online and Offline Training: FB Group on Learning/Teaching: Our free or paid events on IT/Data Science/Cloud/Programming/Similar: Get access to …

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linkedin profile

Director/Course Designer/Trainer Justetc (Just Et Cetera) Social Services Non-profit. As we can basis, as time and schedule permit basis. Courses: (Free and/or low cost workshops and training). Events: Subject areas in order: Big-Data & Machine Learning (ML, DL, NN, RL, NLP, Visualization), Cloud, Linux/System Admin, Security, DBMS/BI, Web/Mobile/Software Dev. Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. …

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How Big Tech is helping transform cars into smartphones

How Big Tech is helping transform cars into smartphones "Those services – streaming video, vehicle performance upgrades, dashboard commerce – could answer a pressing need for automakers. They need to learn how to milk their hardware for revenue long after vehicles roll off dealers’ lots. Tech companies see cars and the time people spend in …

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Misc: SVN and Git

SVN Vs Git: Which One Is Best For Your Needs? For me: it is Git (Sure, Github) *** SVN: Basic Work Cycle: Simple Commands SVN (Subversion): A simple workflow " update to merge the latest changes from the server into your working copy; Perform whatever modifications you need to do; update again to …

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Math/Stat/CS/DS Topics that you need to know (with Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective domain skills) to become a true and great Data Scientist

"The core topics are cross-validation, shrinkage methods (ridge regression, the LASSO, etc.), neural networks, gradient boosting, separating hyperplanes, support vector machines, basis expansion and regularization (e.g., smoothing splines, wavelet smoothing, kernel smoothing), generalized additive models, bump hunting, multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), self-organizing maps, mixture model-based clustering, ensemble learning, and p>>n problems. For computing, the …

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version control with subversion

"Version Control with Subversion Introduction " Version Control with Subversion, a free book about the ubiquitous Apache™ Subversion® version control system " published by O’Reilly Media. Online Versions of the Book " For Subversion 1.7 View the multiple-page HTML edition of the book. [] View the single-page HTML edition of the book. [] View the …

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Tracking and Detection: With Machine Learning

Tracking-Learning-Detection Learning to identify and track faces in image sequences Target Tracking Using Machine Learning and Kalman Filter in Wireless Sensor Networks Multivariate Relevance Vector Machines for Tracking Pose estimation and tracking using multivariate regression Long-Term Correlation Tracking Learning-based approach to real time tracking and analysis of faces …

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Sensor Resource Management Resources

potential research What is Sensor Resource Management (SRM) "Sensor resource management (SRM) technology controls one or more sensors to support tracking and fusion." A survey of radar resource management algorithms Sensor management: Past, Present, and Future SENSORS AND RELATED RESEARCH ******** Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) …

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Matlab: Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox

Sensor Fusion and Tracking Toolbox Design and simulate multisensor tracking and positioning systems ***** . *** . *** Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) Linkedin: Blog:, Online and Offline Training: …

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Matlab: Tracking and Estimation

Tracking and Motion Estimation — Examples Track a Face in Scene Face Detection and Tracking Using Live Video Acquisition Tracking Pedestrians from a Moving Car Track pedestrians using a camera mounted in a moving car. Using Kalman Filter for Object Tracking Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in …

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Social and Cultural Awareness for IT jobs

Automating Inequality Weapons of Math Destruction ******************* Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) Linkedin: Blog:, Online and Offline Training: FB Group on Learning/Teaching: Our free or paid events …

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Part 4: Some Basic Math/Stat Concepts for the wanna be Data Scientists

Part 4: Some Basic Math/Stat Concepts for the wanna be Data Scientists Also for the Engineers in General Quadratic form “In multivariate statistics, if is a vector of random variables, and is an -dimensional symmetric matrix, then the scalar quantity is known as a quadratic form in . ” Ref: Please also check matrix …

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Part 3: Some Basic Math/Stat Concepts for the wanna be Data Scientists

Conditional Probability and PDF “The conditional probability of an event B is the probability that the event will occur given the knowledge that an event A has already occurred. This probability is written P(B|A), notation for the probability of B given A. ” “In the case where events A and B are independent (where event …

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Part 2: Some basic Math/Statistics concepts that Data Scientists (the true ones) will usually know/use

Part 2: Some basic Math/Statistics concepts that Data Scientists (the true ones) will usually know/use (came across, studied, learned, used) Covariance and Correlation “Covariance is a measure of how two variables change together, but its magnitude is unbounded, so it is difficult to interpret. By dividing covariance by the product of the two standard deviations, …

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Part 1: Some Math/Stat Background that (true) Data Scientists will know/use: from the internet

Chebyshev’s inequality “In probability theory, Chebyshev’s inequality (also called the Bienaymé–Chebyshev inequality) guarantees that, for a wide class of probability distributions, no more than a certain fraction of values can be more than a certain distance from the mean. Specifically, no more than 1/k2 of the distribution’s values can be more than k standard deviations …

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Test: Estimation, Tracking, Probability, Data Science

Chebyshev’s inequality "In probability theory, Chebyshev’s inequality (also called the Bienaymé–Chebyshev inequality) guarantees that, for a wide class of probability distributions, no more than a certain fraction of values can be more than a certain distance from the mean. Specifically, no more than 1/k2 of the distribution’s values can be more than k standard deviations …

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digital pen

Wacom Huion Gaomon Parblo,searchweb201602_6,searchweb201603_53 Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) Linkedin: Blog:, Online and Offline Training: …

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Overview on optimization concepts: From the Internet

Optimization Concepts: Convex sets: "A convex set is a set of points such that, given any two points A, B in that set, the line AB joining them lies entirely within that set. Intuitively, this means that the set is connected (so that you can pass between any two points without leaving the set) and …

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Mysql: Repair database and/or tables

" mysqldump db_name t1 > dump.sql mysql db_name < dump.sql mysqldump db_name > dump.sql mysql db_name < dump.sql mysqldump –all-databases > dump.sql mysql < dump.sql ALTER TABLE t1 ENGINE = InnoDB; REPAIR TABLE t1; mysqlcheck –repair –databases db_name … mysqlcheck –repair –all-databases " Reference: — Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. …

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Magento 2: Indexing Options

sudo php bin/magento indexer:info design_config_grid Design Config Grid customer_grid Customer Grid catalog_category_product Category Products catalog_product_category Product Categories catalogrule_rule Catalog Rule Product catalog_product_attribute Product EAV cataloginventory_stock Stock inventory Inventory catalogrule_product Catalog Product Rule catalog_product_price Product Price scconnector_google_remove Google Product Removal Feed scconnector_google_feed Google Product Feed catalogsearch_fulltext Catalog Search— Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & …

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posted by rafiq

The video is created by Sayed. Rafiq (contractor of Justetc/8112223 Canada Inc.) just bought this from our old site to this site. [All articles where it says: Posted by Rafiq — just mean Rafiq is not the author/creator/writer/in the video — he just did the data entry] — Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. …

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Insert Products into Magento Programmatically

Magento 2 – how to add products in Magento using REST API and C # magento-2-create-product-programmatically.html insert product programmatically Programmatically (manually) creating simple Magento product By Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson …

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Administering Magento 2 on AWS Platform

Varnish: Configuring Varnish Server i.e. a Cache Server /opt/bitnami/varnish/varnishd varnishd [-a address[:port][,PROTO]] [-b host[:port]] [-C] [-d] [-F] [-f config] [-h type[,options]] [-I clifile] [-i identity] [-j jail[,jailoptions]] [-l vsl[,vsm]] [-M address:port] [-n name] [-P file] [-p param=value] [-r param[,param…]] [-S secret-file] [-s [name=]kind[,options]] [-T address[:port]] [-t TTL] [-V] [-W waiter] [-x parameter|vsl|cli|builtin] [-?] — …

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Find answers to the questions to know more on Radar. Sure, you can apply the knowledge in sel-driving car engineering?

What is echo signal in radar? "Noun. 1. radar echo – an electronic signal that has been reflected back to the radar antenna; contains information about the location and distance of the reflecting object. electronic signal – a signal generated by electronic means. Radar echo – definition of radar echo by The Free Dictionary" …

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Radar Equations

Describe/Explain Radar operation? i.e. for example, how is radar used to detect an aeroplane? Show radar components and how they function to detect an aeroplane and how is the distance calculated What is the equation to calculate the range to a target using Radar Systems. Use speed of light in the equation. R …

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Radar Details: Radars in relation to self-driving vehicles

Irrespective you see the term ‘self-driving vehicles’ or not: the answers to these questions are related to self-driving vehicles. What are the different types of Radars? What is a Pulse Radar? What is a Continuous Wave Radar? What is a Surveillance Radar? What is MTI-Moving Target Indication? What is a Pulse Doppler Radar? What is …

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Radar/Lidar Detection and Self-Driving Agents

What are basic Radar functions? Whatever comes to your mind? Though the goal is not to find core radar applications; however, functions of radars that are used in the applications. What is the goal of the radar function named: Detection? Answer, in terms of signals Does radar take images of an area? if so, 2D …

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C++ Libraries

#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <deque> #include <list> #include <set> #include <map> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <functional> #include <numeric> By Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) Linkedin: Blog:, …

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Git LFS: Large File System

To use Homebrew, run brew install git-lfs To use MacPorts, run port install git-lfs git lfs track "*.tar.gz" git add path/to/file.tar.gz git commit -m "add file.psd" git push origin master Reference: Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and …

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Mysql error after upgrading magento 2.3.2 to 2.3.3

Solution to: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1419 You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you might want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable), query was: CREATE TRIGGER trg_catalog_product_entity_after_insert AFTER INSERT ON catalog_product_entity FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT IGNORE INTO `scconnector_google_feed_cl` (`entity_id`) VALUES (NEW.`entity_id`); END Sol: mysql -u root -p set …

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Update Magento 2 to the latest version

Update Magento 2 to the latest version— Work with Github large file system —install: Git-lfs: —How to work with: Sure, had to deal with i.e. work with By Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson …

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Stochastic Processes and Related Terms

What is a Random Variable? Ans: "In probability and statistics, a random variable, random quantity, aleatory variable, or stochastic variable is described informally as a variable whose values depend on outcomes of a random phenomenon." In probability theory, "a random variable is understood as a measurable function defined on a probability space whose outcomes are …

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Stock Market Today

Stock Market Today (Mostly up, also lately mostly up). XUS ETF price increase: $20 to $52 in 6 years By Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) Linkedin: Blog:, Online and …

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How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 16.04

How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 16.04 Yes, implemented these in the past at work. Also, did for myself.. By Sayed Ahmed BSc. Eng. in Comp. Sc. & Eng. (BUET) MSc. in Comp. Sc. (U of Manitoba, Canada) MSc. in Data Science and Analytics (Ryerson University, Canada) Linkedin: Blog:, …

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Misc. Statistics, Engineering, and Sensors

Learn more about Nonparametric Test Sensor Management for Large-Scale Multisensor-Multitarget Tracking," in Integrated Tracking, Classification, and Sensor Management: Theory and Applications Approaches to Multisensor Data Fusion in Target Tracking: A Survey Sensor fusion Sensor Fusion: Sensor fusion is the process of merging data from multiple sensors such that to reduce the …

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Can you answer these random questions on Data Science Project Development

Questions to answer 1. What does a data science project usually involve? What is the common theme across data science projects? 2. Does industry projects and research projects differ? Why and to what extent? 3. What are the some dataset repositories? Where can you get them? 4. Are all public datasets perfect for doing a …

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Self Learning AI-Agents Part II: Deep Q-Learning Canada’s flawed financial advice industryCommissions and conflicting interests persist – when are we going to get the value we deserve? Whatever the Future Holds, Stocks Are Not Priced for a Recession Machine Learning Model Deployment: Strategy to Implementation — Sayed Ahmed Linkedin: Blog: …

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Join a Graph Mining Course

If you are interested to get access to a course (under development) on Graph Mining (Part of AI/Data Science/Analytics/ML), please request using the following Google Form (or just inform us your email in a way so that we can give you access):–EA_WTUCg/viewform?usp=sf_link Or use the event to show your interest and inform the email …

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Graph Mining: Introducing Graphs: Learn by finding answers to the following questions?

Graph Mining: Introducing Graphs: Learn by finding answers to the following questions? Questions What is a Graph? Give an example of a Graph? What are the different Types of Graphs? i.e. Try to give some examples of different ways how Graphs are classified? What is a directed Graph? What is an undirected Graph? What are …

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Graph Mining: What is Graph Mining? Learn by finding answers to the following questions. Can you answer the following questions?

Graph Mining: What is Graph Mining? Learn by finding answers to the following questions. Can you answer the following questions? What is Graph Mining? What is a Graph anyway? Is Graph mining just a kind of Machine Learning? i.e. is Machine Learning the only primary component of Graph Mining? Does Graph Mining involve Only Statistics? …

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Graph Mining: Community Detection: Learn by finding answers to the following questions. Can you answer the following questions on Community Detection?

Graph Mining: Community Detection: Learn by finding answers to the following questions. Can you answer the following questions on Community Detection? What is a community anyway? Describe from your real-world/social understanding of it? Can you relate it to the Graphs concept in Computer Science? In your daily life do you interact with a community in …

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Our Most Accessed Short Notes

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Important Basic Concepts: Statistics for Big Data

Important Basic Concepts: Statistics for Big Data Graphical : Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) methods? First of all, EDA is about exploring the data and understanding if the data will be good for the experiment and study. Graphs and plots can easily show the data patterns. The raw data can be difficult to understand for patterns …

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Questions Answered by Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Questions Answered by Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) What are the key properties of a Dataset (Center, Spread, Skew, probability distribution, correlation, outliers) 1. What is the center of the data (mean, median, mode) 2. How much spread is there in the data? (Variance, Standard deviation, Quartiles, Interquartile Range (IQR), Example: IQR = Q3 – Q1) …

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Best Practices in Data Preparation

Best Practices in Data Preparation 1. Check data formats (Image, CSV, PC, Mac, mainframe, text, structured, unstructured) 2. Verify data types (numbers, text, floats, currencies, nominal, ordinal, interval, range) 3. Graph your Data (Scatter, Histogram, bar, line) 4. Verify the data (data accuracy, data makes sense) 5. Identify outliers ( Examples: very large or very …

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Visualization of Multivariate Charts

Dataset Types Tables, Networks, Spatial Attribute Types Categorical, Ordered, Quantitative Multivariate Charts Scatter Plot, Heat Map, Bubble Chart, Parallel Coordinates, Radar Plot Scatter Plot Scatter Plot : Details: Patterns Scatter Plot and Trend Line Scatterplot Details GRAPHICS: COMBINING TWOWAY SCATTERPLOTS | STATA LEARNING MODULES Multiple overlaid scatterplots Visualization …

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PERCEPTION and Data Visualization: Concepts, Examples, Code, Projects

PERCEPTION Data Visualization for Human Perception "Data visualization is the graphical display of abstract information for two purposes: sense-making (also called data analysis) and communication. … In other words, to visualize data effectively, we must follow design principles that are derived from an understanding of human perception." The Role of Visual Perception in Data …

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Text Visualization: Concepts, Examples, Code (Python, R, Matlab), Example Projects

Text Visualization Data Visualization Of President Obama’s Inauguration Speech Text Visualization Course at Washington University Why Visualize Text? You can visualize text to find key concepts in a speech. Obama’s Speech: Example: Speech/Article Visualizations 1993 Speech: Bill Clinton 1993 vs 2009. Wordtree;prefix Text Visualization Overview Introduction …

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Time Series: Concepts, Visualizations, Example Code, Example Projects

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Hierarchical Visualization: Examples, Implementations, Theory, and Projects

Hierarchical Visualization Hierarchical Visualization in R Hierarchical cluster analysis on famous data sets – enhanced with the dendextend package Tree Plots A Python framework for the analysis and visualization of trees. Hierarchy Organizational Chart Brackets Introduction to Graphs Tree Data Structure Unrooted Tree cyclicVSacyclic …

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GEO VISUALIZATION: Data Visualization

GEO VISUALIZATION spatial data File:Latitude and Longitude of the Earth.svg Geographic coordinate system are all world maps wrong?eographic_coordinate_system How To Read GPS Coordinates Geographic coordinate conversion GPS coordinates converter GPS coordinates converter Map Projection Why are all world maps wrong? Map Projections – types and distortion …

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NETWORK VISUALIZATION Example: Graph DIRECTED, UNDIRECTED, WEIGHTED, UNWEIGHTED GRAPH REPRESENTATION IN ADJACENCY LIST, MATRIX REFERENCE SHEET Graphs in Computer Science Types of Graphs Finite State Machines A D3 Network Graph Fisheye Distortion Arc Layout Gridlayout Circular Layout An A to Z of extra …

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Data Visualization Misc

Data Visualization Overview: —————————- Data Visualization: About Data Visualization I Can See Clearly Now: A Survey of Data Visualization Techniques & Practice Visualization in Data Science: What is it for? Anscombe’s quartet’s_quartet Storytelling and data visualization… So what? Visualization Types Junk Charts Visualization Analysis & Design — Python …

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