Why Spring Framework?
- What’s wrong with Java EE (EJB)
- Light-weight vs. heavy-weight containers
- Motivation for Spring
- Spring Background
Spring Framework Overview
- Spring features
- Spring light-weight container architecture
- Spring application context
- Inversion of Control (IoC) design pattern
- Dependency Injection (DI)
- Advantages of IoC/DI
- Design for testability
- Low coupling
- Code re-use
- Consistent architecture and configuration
- Easy-to-follow design
- Good OOP
Spring Installation and Configuration
- Spring libraries and dependancies
- XML configuration files
- Annotations
Spring IDE
- Overview
- Features
- Installation
- Editors, Wizards, Graphs, Views, Validators
Spring Persistence/DAO Support
- Overview
- DataSources via JNDI
- Templates
- Exception Translators
- Queries and updates
- Hibernate ORM
- Resource management and SessionFactory
- Templates
- Exception Translators
- Transactions (intro to AOP)
Spring JMS
- Overview
- Templates
- Connection, Destination, Transaction management
- Sending and Receiving Messages (sync/async)
- Listeners
- Message-driven POJOs
Spring Testing
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- Mocks, Stubs, Fixtures
- jUnit Integration
- Spring TestContext Framework
Spring MVC and WebFlow
- Overview
- The DispatcherServlet
- Configuration
- Controllers: simple, form, multi-action
- Views and view resolution: JSP/JSTL
- Forms with Spring tag libraries
- Data-binding, Property Editors, and Validation
- I18N
- Exception handling
- Convention over configuration with annotation-driven controllers
- Overview of Spring WebFlow
- Integration with other frameworks – e.g. Sturts, JSF, Tapestry, WebWork (as requested)
Spring AOP
- Overview
- Concepts
- Proxies
- @AspectJ vs Spring AOP
- Built-in aspects
- Defining and using aspects
Spring Security (Acegi) Framework
- Overview
- Installation
- Architecture
- Configuration
- Web Security
- AOP-based security
- Integration
Final Thoughts
- Overview of Spring JMX
- Overview of Spring Remoting
- New features in Spring 2.5
- Annotation vs. XML configuration (wiring)
- Direction of Spring Framework
- Best practices and architectural/design patterns
From: http://sitestree.com/?p=5119
Categories:Java Short Notes
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