SCJP: Language Fundamentals #Java Short Notes #SCJP

Class declaration and java source file.

  • Only “one” top-level public class is allowed per java source file.
  • The name of the java source file and the name of the top-level public class MUST be the same.
  • If no public class is there in a file, after compiling separate class files will be created for all classes in the file.
  • Package statement, import statements and class definition MUST appear in the order given.

Keywords and Identifiers

  • Keywords are always in a lower case.
  • Some keywords: const, goto, strictfp, and volatile
  • Identifiers must start with either letter, $ or _ (underscore) and can have letter, $, _ or digits in it.
  • no keyword is allowed as identifiers
abstract do import public transient
boolean double instanceof return try
break else int short void
byte extends interface static volatile
case final long super while
catch finally native switch
char float new synchronized
class for package this
continue if private throw
default implements protected throws

Default Values, Local Variables

  • Each primitive data type has a default value specified. Variable of primitive data type may be initialized
  • Only class member variables are automatically initialized. Method variables need explicit initialization
  • Local variables (also known as automatic variables) are declared in methods and in code blocks
  • Automatic variables are not automatically initialized
  • local variables should be explicitly initialized before first use. These are automatically destroyed when they go out of scope


  • Fixed-sized ordered collection of homogeneous data elements
    int[] ints; // array declaration
    ints = new ints[25]; // array construction at runtime.
  • Array declared, constructed and initialized at the same time.
    int[] ints = {1,2,3,4,5}; // array declaration,
  • An array of primitive data type created using the new keyword is automatically initialized. Each array element is initialized to its default value.
    For example,
    char[] arrayOfChars = new char[10];
  • Array of object references: An array of object references created using the new keyword is also initialized. Each array element is initialized to its default value, i.e. null.
    String[] names = new String[10];
  • length is a property of array (and not a method)
  • java.lang.Object is the superclass of an array

Argument passing during method calls

  • Always a copy of argument value is passed to calling method
  • Arguments of primitive data types: first, a copy of the passing variable is made and then it is passed. The original copy remains unaffected
  • Object reference as an argument: A copy of object reference is passed for method calls. It still points to the same object. The original copy is affected.

Categories:Java Short Notes, SCJP
Post Data:2008-07-28 12:18:41

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