SplitTest.java Illustrates parsing a string with a String.split

SplitTest.java  Illustrates parsing a string with a String.split

/** Prints the tokens resulting from treating the first
 *  command-line argument as the string to be tokenized
 *  and the second as the delimiter set. Uses
 *  String.split instead of StringTokenizer.

public class SplitTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length == 2) {
      String input = args[0], delimiters = args[1];
      String[] tokens = args[0].split(delimiters);
      for(int i=0; i<tokens.length; i++)="" {="" string="" token="tokens[i];" if="" (token.length()="" !="0)" 
      system.out.println(token);="" }="" else="" system.out.println="" ("usage:="" java="" splittest="" 
      delimeters");="" <="" pre="">

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