TSX, Technology ETF focusing USA Technology Companies

I was searching for an ETF listed in TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange) that primarily or only has USA technology companies.

Previously, I invested in TEC (TEC.TO), an ETF with exposure to Global Technology Companies, not only from the USA. I might have made some profit, however, not impressive. Overall, I did not find it to be very good/useful for me and am not interested in this ETF again.

Currently, I have XIT that gears to Only Canadian Technology Companies. It fluctuates a lot. I had a situation when if I would be selling it, I would be making some money. Now, in my portfolio, I have around 13% loss for XIT (paper loss, not actual/realized, the loss condition was up to 18% or 19%). XIT is Not a USA-focused Tech ETF, hence, want to dump it with some profit when I will have it. Although, I want to keep it under my radar (may occasionally buy it). It will go into profit situation in a month or two I believe, at the worst (in the best case in a week or two). It actually moves fast in both ways. Hence, if the market condition is good: it can easily recover the loss fast and go upwards.

Sorry for the bad news that I am in a loss situation. However, that's the life of investing. you are not a winner 100% of the time. Waiting and having patience with the right ETF (I prefer)/Stock (I do not go for it) helps

Some USA based Tech ETFs listed in TSX are below: I am considering for future purchase (can happen at least after 3 months i.e. after I sell XIT)

  • XQQ (NASDAQ 100 INDEX, hedged)
  • HXQ (NASDAQ 100 INDEX, unhedged),
  • TEC.TO (pure tech, well-diversified)

ZNQ is unhedged



Ticker: TSE:XIT
% of Assets in Technology: 99.78%
Assets Under Management: $515.61 million
Ticker: TSE: QQC-F.TO
% of Assets in Technology: 45.46%
Assets Under Management: $437.25 million
Ticker: TSE:ZQQ
% of Assets in Technology: 45.45%
Assets Under Management: $1.47 billion
Ticker: TSE:XQQ.TO
% of Assets in Technology: 45.46%
Assets Under Management: $1.57 billion
Ticker: PGJ (USD Only)
Assets Under Management: US$ 206.27 million
How will I select:
At least over 75% USA Tech company
MER is low
Total Asset Value : better if over a billion
Bid/Ask spread
Undecide on: Hedge or unhedge: both can be good I believe. I will keep Tech ETFs for short and occasional times, it will be out of my core portfolio (or a very small % of it, although will buy moe than the allocation, and will sell at a proper profit, for now that's the plan)


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Courses: http://Training.SitesTree.com (Big Data, Cloud, Security, Machine Learning)


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